
Times Square Street Cleaning

The New York Metropolitan area is home to roughly 18.9 million people—with 40% of its population residing in New York City. At some point in time, the majority of these individuals make their way through the 20-square miles that make up the island of Manhattan. Such a large human conglomeration leaves a large footprint and this is evident in the streets of New York City.
Times Square: the crossroads of the world and prime destination for the majority of visitors. Not only is this area frequented by tourists, but locals also pass through this area. Such transit leaves behind a lot of waste and serves as a great site for the World Mission Society Church of God’s 2011 Clean World Movement.
This area, once open to traffic, is now strewn with tables, chairs and benches for the general public to enjoy. Thinking of the visitors who come from around the world to visit New York, the members of the Church of God worked with an enthusiastic mind to beautify this area by picking up litter and scraping gum off the concrete floor.
If even for a day, New York can be a more pleasant haven for the visitors of the world and residents as well.

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