

20 Oct 2013, Smile Campaign

Love is patient, love is kind, let’s keep on walking to the finish line,” was heard around New York City as the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer continued to march forward on Sunday, October 20, 2013.
Rising early, nearly 150 volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God shone the love of Heavenly Mother and cheered on the brave participants in the two-day, 39-mile walk throughout Manhattan, with a final celebration ensuing at Pier 84.
The preparation for the walk began the night before as the volunteers diligently created posters, assembled hand-made pom-poms and gathered breast cancer awareness accessories to add pep to their cheers.
Taking a stand in their well-known bright yellow shirts, the volunteers, who came from Church of God branches in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Long Island, set up at five locations along the route equipped with posters, noisemakers, whistles and mighty shouts hoping to boost the walkers’ energy toward the end of their journey.
At Columbus Circle, volunteers positioned themselves in two rows, creating an aisle, so the walkers could feed off the walls of cheers as they passed by. Creating anticipation, volunteers would bend down and rise up in a wave as walkers approached. Walkers responded by even dancing, running and giving everyone high-fives as they made their way down the aisle surprised by the enthusiasm. Volunteers even paused to pose with various walkers shocked by the display.
At the walk finale at the Pier, Carol Kurzig, President of the Avon Foundation for Women, who hosts the walk, commended the volunteers for their cheers, saying, “You guys were great!”
The walk raised $6.7 million which will help find a cure for breast cancer and provide counseling and care for newly diagnosed patients. The World Mission Society Church of God displayed the glory of God relentlessly cheering during the walk for the second year in a row. Volunteers even stayed behind to help clean up after the final celebration at the Pier.



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