
Church of God World Mission Society Practices Mother’s Teachings

It is more blessed to give love than to receive love, as God always gives love.
This is a true teaching of God which speaks of the Passover. 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ came, the Apostle John wrote:
JOHN 13:1 “It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love”
The full extent of God’s love is eternal love (John 6:53) given to us through the Passover of the New Covenant found in Luke 22:13-21.
PASSOVER BREAD WINE 150x150 Church of God World Mission Society Practices Mothers Teachingschurch of god

For this reason the World Mission Society Church of God love their neighbors by sharing the love of Christ, that is giving them eternal life which comes from God the Mother. Come to World Mission Society Church of God and understand the true meaning of the Passover and about Mother’s Teachings.


  1. As God always gives love, we should share the love of God by preaching the Passover and truth of the Bible.

    1. Yes, The way to share the love of Elohim God[God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother] is very simple. That is to preach the Passover to the whole world~:)

  2. Through the Passover, we can practice loving each other and neighbors- 2nd commandments of Jesus

  3. The next day after Jesus and he's apostle keep the Passover , Jesus died.
    The Passover , new covenant is Jesus' will for us. through the Passover God demonstrates his own love for us. (Ro 5:8, Heb 8:16-17)
    Therefore the man who keep the Passover, new covenant realize the Love of God :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. From now on i keep going to practice teaching of Mother one by one.

  6. Anonymous01:46

    I give thanks to Heavenly Mother. I have been changed in a positive way by following the teachings of Mother. We must look into the Bible to receive God the Mother to receive the water of life in this age (Rev 22:17; Gal 4:26.)

  7. Anonymous02:37

    Only such a great Heavenly Mother's love can change the world in a positive way , that's what we need in this world and church of God spreads the love of Mother.

  8. The Passover is the way to receive the eternal life!
    Therefore, the World mission society church of God share the perfect love,the Passover, (giving the eternal life), to the mankind who are destined to die.

  9. The best way of the best to give love is to save one soul through Passover of the New Covenant and lead to Zion recovered by Second coming Jesus. I'm really proud of being in church of God: ) Thanks to Father and Mother for letting me know this: )

  10. Keeping the Passover, the way to love each other as God give us love.

  11. Mother's teaching is love~~

  12. Anonymous15:52

    The Passover love from Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother is allowed for our salvation!
    And, whoever is loved by Elohim will inheirt eternal kingdom!

  13. Heavenly Mother has set us an example of loving and serving others.
    We do practice Mother's teachings!

  14. If you want to feel the most deep and greatest love, pls. come to WMSCOG. God the Mother has waiting for you.
